Pace careers online questionnaire

Do you enjoy the type of work that you do?

Do you enjoy your work environment?

Back Yes No

Would you be willing to leave your work environment?

Back Yes No

Can you afford not to work?

Back Yes No

Are you willing to study part time even if it may take a few years?

Back Yes No

Do you enjoy your work environment?

Back Yes No

Can you afford not to work?

Back Yes No

Would you like to develop your skills in your current career?

Back Yes No

Are you willing to study part time even if it may take a few years?

Back Yes No

Would you like to develop your skills in your current career?

Back Yes No

Do you want to change your career completely?

Back Yes No

Would you like to develop your skills whilst still working?

Back Yes No


You need to develop your career further.

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You seem happy where you are.

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You need to find a hobby or do community work, etc.

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You may want to develop your existing skills and change your work environment.

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Using your existing skills you may want to change your work environment.

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You may want to consider full time study in a completely new field.

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You need to stay at work but study part time in a completely new field.

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You need to stay at work & look internally for other opportunities.

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DISCLAIMER: PACE Career Centre accepts no responsibility or liability for any decisions that are made as a result of using this product or any other PACE products. The PACE products are designed to guide and assist users with their career path investigation and should not be used as a decision making tool. © PACE Career Centre. All Rights Reserved.