What is a Landlord’s Lien in Texas?

Of all the issues that can crop up between a landlord and a tenant, there is no question that rent payments are one of the most common. Sometimes, a tenant withholds rent payments for a valid reason, like a dangerous condition that has gone unrepaired. Other times, the rent goes unpaid without a valid reason. The Texas Property Code has its own way of dealing with payments for rent owed, called a landlord’s lien.

Defining “Landlord’s Lien”

Essentially, a landlord’s lien is a clause written into the lease that allows a landlord to take possession of certain property inside a tenant’s apartment as payment for rent owed. In order to be effective, the Landlord’s Lien must:

  1. Be included in the lease
  2. Be written in bold print or underlined

Can a Landlord Seize All Property in the Tenant’s Apartment?

The short answer is no. Texas law lists a variety of items that a landlord cannot seize and sell to satisfy unpaid rent. Examples include: