Updated on April 19, 2019 8.4K
PDF file can be viewed by the most of eBooks. But in the matter of Kindle, you have to convert PDF to its supported format. MOBI, as a popular format that’s compatible with Kindle, should be an effective choice. So now, everything we need to do is converting PDF to MOBI. In this tutorial, I will introduce you two solutions for PDF to MOBI conversion on Mac.
Note: If you convert PDF to MOBI only for reading it on Kindle, in that way, just have a bash at PDF OCR Converter. As we all know, Kindle lets us open AZW, TXT, MOBI, PRC, HTML,DOC, DOCX, etc. files. Even though Cisdem PDFConverterOCR doesn’t enable you to convert PDF to MOBI on Mac, other Kindle formats like PDF to TXT, PDF to DOC, PDF to DOCX, PDF to HTML… are included.
The first method to convert PDF to MOBI on Mac is using Calibre. It is an outstanding and open source eBook management tool. This software comes with a compact interface that assists you to manage all your eBooks conversion with a wet finger. Besides converting PDF to MOBI on Mac with Calibre, you can also convert PDF to EPUB, DOCX, TXT, ZIP, RTF, etc.
Step 1. Download and install Calibre on your Mac. Then double-click the icon to run it, you will see the interface as below.
Step 2. Click “Add books” in the upper left corner, a drop-down box will pop up. Choose the first option to add PDF file from your Mac computer.
Step 3. Right click the added PDF file, navigate to Convert books> Convert individually. A new window will show up, choose the output format as MOBI.
Using a free online service is another great way to convert PDF to MOBI on Mac. When you search an online PDF to MOBI converter on the Internet, Convertio will appear in the first few pages. With this program you can convert PDF file to the MOBI format, native for Kindle devices. Plus, it can be regarded as an audio converter, video converter, image converter, archive converter, presentation converter as well. If you register an account, you have the opportunity to earn more features.
In reality, eBooks contain different formats, each appropriate for its own device. But when we mention the most frequently used format on the market, EPUB and MOBI may immediately turn up in our mind. Thus after offering the methods on how to convert PDF to MOBI on Mac, let’s talk something about EPUB vs MOBI.
Full Name | Electronic publication | Mobipocket |
Operating Platform | Runs on all platforms except Amazon Kindle | Only supported by Amazon Kindle application |
Readability | Can adjust its size to suit the screen | Suits for smaller screens |
Security | Doesn't have DRM and can be shared easily | Has DRM to protect its data from plagiarization |
File Size | Much smaller than MOBI | Twice as large as EPUB |
If you’re also like reading eBooks using a phone, such as new iPhone 7 or iPhone 7S, it is very necessary to convert PDF to EPUB on Mac for reading on the go. Here, you'll learn the easy steps on how to convert PDF to ePub on Mac.
Heres, I already introduced the two free PDF to MOBI converters. If you would like to use some professional apps, then try the paid software, such as Ebook Converter Mac, PDFMasher. In addition, I want to highly recommend PDF OCR Converter. It’s an uncluttered and reliable PDF converter for Mac you can’t miss. It provides OCR features and allows you to change scanned and native PDF file into writable PDF, DOCX, EPUB, PPTX, KEYNOTE, HTML, PAGES, XLSX, RTF, TEXT, Image, etc. Meanwhile, it supports 17 languages and any combination of them, including English, German, Russian, French, Italian, Arabic and so on.
Carolyn Ryan
Carolyn has always been passionate about reading and writing, so she joined Cisdem as an editor as soon as she graduated from university. She focuses on writing how-to articles about PDF editing and conversion.