Well, I'm hibernating, so there isn't much to report. This is a very nice dream though.
Yes, it is. Well, I'm getting ready to wake up, so you better get back to your own dream.
Yes, I'd better get back to hibernating. Spring is nearly here.
Oh, I think it's just around the corner.
(Toad's alarm clock rings.)
Toad, your alarm clock is ringing. Wake up. It's spring.
(TOAD bashes the alarm clock. It breaks. The bell stops ringing.)
Frog, what time is it? My clock is broken.
Ten o'clock is my sad time of day.
Because ten o'clock is when the mail should come.
I have never ever gotten a letter.
Will you please excuse me, Toad? There is something I must do.
Sure, go ahead Frog.
(FROG crosses to his own house. He sits at a table to write. A group of SNAILS enter.)
Well, if it isn't my friends, the snails.
What are you doing?
(The SNAILS slowly make their way across the stage. The scene changes to a riverbank. FROG and TOAD enter. FROG wears a bathing suit; TOAD wears a robe.)
It certainly is a lovely day for a swim!
I want you to turn away until I get into the water.
Well, because -- I look funny in a bathing suit.
(TOAD takes off his robe and slips into the water.)
It's safe to look now. I'm in the water.
(TURTLE enters with a lunchbox and settles on the riverbank.)
What's the matter?
Turtle. When I come out of the water, she will see me in my bathing suit. Would you ask her to leave?
(FROG goes over to TURTLE.)
Turtle, I'm afraid you will have to go away.
(TOAD is catapulted into a snowbank. He is momentarily out of view. Then he pops his head up through the snow. FROG runs to him.)
Toad, that was magnificent!
(He checks to make sure.)
Of course you are.
Frog, you left me all alone.
I couldn't help it, Toad.
You suggested we go sledding! You put us at risk! I will never speak to you again!
Frog is late. Maybe something has happened to him. Something bad. Something terrible. Maybe he is lost in the dark, or stuck at the bottom of a hole, or being chased by a wolf! Frog! Frog! Don't worry, I'll save you!
(TOAD is ready to dash to the rescue. FROG enters with a wrapped gift.)
Frog! You're safe!
(now miffed)
Where have you been?
I'm sorry to be late, Toad. I was wrapping your gift.
(TOAD tears into the gift.)
It's a clock! I needed a clock.
I know you did, Toad.
I'll put it on the mantle.
This is a very peaceful Christmas Eve.
It didn't start out that way.
I'm sorry I was late.
I was very worried you know.