Case Statements in SystemVerilog: SystemVerilog is a titan among programming languages when it comes to hardware design and verification, luring engineers and developers with its powerful features.
The development of SystemVerilog, which began as a combination of Verilog and hardware verification languages, has completely changed the field of electronic design automation (EDA).
SystemVerilog case statements are mostly used for value selection in response to a given input. Because of their extreme versatility, developers can write code that is both effective and manageable.
Digital circuits are modeled using the hardware description language SystemVerilog. It is a Verilog extension with a ton of capabilities that make writing intricate designs simpler.
The case statement, which is used to choose one of multiple alternative actions based on the value of a variable, is one of the main components of SystemVerilog.
Your road map is this “Ultimate Guide to Case Statement in SystemVerilog,” which provides thorough explanations on everything from configuring your coding environment to grasping the nuances of modules and procedural blocks.
SystemVerilog’s history, which began as an extension for Verilog and continues to this day as an IEEE standard, bears witness to its effectiveness and necessity in contemporary circuit design and testing.
In 2002, the Accellera Standards Organization took the lead in standardizing SystemVerilog.
The main goal was to improve and expand Verilog HDL to include a wider range of design and verification flows. SystemVerilog underwent significant development by 2005, which resulted in its IEEE Standard 1800 approval.
IEEE 1800 standard SystemVerilog is a language for hardware description and verification that is used in the modeling, design, simulation, testing, and implementation of electronic systems.
Verilog and some expansions serve as the foundation for SystemVerilog, and as of 2008, Verilog is now a part of the same IEEE standard. As an advancement of Verilog, it is widely utilized in the semiconductor and electronic design industries.
After that, updates to the SystemVerilog standard were made in 2012, 2017, and December 2023, most recently.
SystemVerilog is referred to as the first Hardware Description and Verification Language (HDVL) in the industry because it integrates features from C (Python) and C++ with those from Hardware Description Languages (HDL) such as Verilog and VHDL.
The SystemVerilog (SV) code is connected to a C code via a DPI-C so that it can communicate with the Python code, even if a direct connection between Python and SystemVerilog is not possible.
Therefore, for SystemVerilog and Python to properly communicate, a few guidelines need to be followed.
The behavior of the design is thoroughly validated using formal verification techniques, associative arrays, and dynamic arrays, all of which are included in this IEEE Standard language.
The industry’s broader goal of increasing the dependability and effectiveness of hardware design and verification tasks includes the implementation of SystemVerilog.
When an expression in SystemVerilog matches another expression in the list, it branches appropriately based on that finding. This is done using the case statement.
Usually, a multiplexer is implemented with it. If there are numerous criteria to be checked, the if-else construct might not be appropriate as it would result in a priority encoder rather than a multiplexer.
Conditional statements, or case statements, regulate a program’s flow according to the value of a variable or expression. They are very helpful for incorporating decision-making logic in digital design.
Case statements offer a straightforward and concise method for handling many situations in digital design. Because of their structure, synthesis effectiveness, and clarity, case statements are essential to digital design.
They make the text easier to read, enable hardware implementations that are optimized, guarantee thorough input handling, and enable scalable architectures, all of which lower the risk of errors.
Case statements are crucial in digital design for several reasons:
The basic syntax of a case statement in SystemVerilog is:
case (expression) value 1 : statement 1 ; value 2 : statement 2 ; default : default _ statement; endcase |
Constant ranges, or even default cases to accommodate unclear circumstances can be used as case items. To guarantee thorough logic coverage, the values must be distinct and encompass every circumstance that could arise.
The given expression in the case statement is compared to the expression (case item) listed in the list in the prescribed sequence. If the expressions match, the statement or set of statements is carried out. The default statement will be carried out if it does not match any of the list’s written phrases.
The case statement evaluation will end if there is no “default” statement provided and the provided expression does not match any expression in the list.
The keywords case, endcase, and default are used in the Verilog case statement.
case () < case _ item 1 >: < case _ item 2 >: < case _ item 3 >: < case _ item 4 >: begin … … end default : endcase |
Coding different logic, such as encoders, decoders, and one hot state machines, is made easier with the help of the Verilog case statement.
Three variants of the case statement are defined by Verilog: case, casez, and casex. In addition to being easily confused, even seasoned programmers may become confused by the minute differences between them.
Let’s start by reviewing the basic case statement:
case ( case _ expression) // case statement header case _ item _1 : begin case _ statement _1 a; case _ statement _1 b; end case _ item _2 : case _ statement _2 ; default : case _ statement _ default ; endcase |
If the comparison values are “x” or “z,” then the comparison bits in this kind of situation can be selectively disregarded. When using casex, one must exercise extra caution as different simulation and synthesis results may arise from casex statements.
Regarding E.x: Select[2:0] becomes 3’b001 in “x” or “z” conditions, therefore when it is 3’bxxx, the result in simulation could be 2’b01, but the output in synthesis could be 2’b11.
logic [ 2 : 0 ] select ; logic [ 1 : 0 ] output_a; always_comb begin casex ( select [ 2 : 0 ]) 3’bxx1 : output_a = 2’b01 ; 3’b01x : output_a = 2’b10 ; 3’b001 : output_a = 2’b11 ; 3’b100 : output_a = 2’b00 ; default : output_a = 2’b00 ; end |
Bits with ‘z’ values in casez statements are either ignored or considered unimportant. In contrast, the bits with “x” values are utilized. Compared to if-else statements, casez statements are easier to read and play a crucial role in developing a priority logic.
logic [ 2 : 0 ] selb; logic [ 1 : 0 ] output_b; // Priority of selection [ 0 ] > [ 1 ] > [ 2 ] always_comb begin casez (selb[ 2 : 0 ]) 3’b ?? 1 : output_b = 2’b01 ; 3’b ? 10 : output_b = 2’b10 ; 3’b100 : output_b = 2’b11 ; default : output_b = 2’b00 ; end |
Programmers utilize nested case statements, sometimes referred to as nested switch statements, as control flow structures to manage intricate decision-making processes by hierarchically arranging several conditions.
With the help of these statements, you may manage many tiers of logic in your code in an organized manner by evaluating conditions inside of other conditions.
The nested case statements are helpful in situations where decisions depend on a variety of circumstances since each level can have its own set of conditions and related actions.
The basic syntax generally follows the pattern:
case condition1: perform action1 case condition2: perform action2 case condition3: perform action3 end case condition4: perform action4 end |
Several programming languages provide a useful feature called enums, or enumerations, which let you define a set of named constants.
Enums provide meaningful names to the values you’re switching on, which improves code readability and maintainability when used with case statements.
typedef enum logic [1:0] < IDLE , RUNNING , STOPPED >state_t ; state_t current_state; case (current_state) IDLE: action = WAIT; RUNNING: action = EXECUTE; STOPPED: action = HALT; default: action = UNKNOWN; endcase |
Programming’s case statements, often known as switch statements, are effective tools for controlling control flow. They can improve the readability and efficiency of your code when utilized properly. When utilizing case statements, adhere to these recommended practices:
Your code will read and maintain itself better if you use enums (enumerations) rather than literals or unqualified constants.
Enums provide constant values and meaningful names, which facilitates comprehension and reduces the likelihood of errors in the code.
Example in Java:
enum Color < RED, GREEN, BLUE > Color color = Color.RED; switch (color) < case RED: System. out .println( “Color is red” ); break ; case GREEN: System. out .println( “Color is green” ); break ; case BLUE: System. out .println( “Color is blue” ); break ; > |
Your code will handle unexpected values gracefully if you include a default case. For enums or other sets of specified values, where additional values could be introduced in the future, this can be particularly crucial.
const Color = < RED: ‘red’ , GREEN: ‘green’ , BLUE: ‘blue’ >; let color = ‘yellow’ ; switch ( color ) < case Color.RED: console. log ( “Color is red” ); break ; case Color.GREEN: console. log ( “Color is green” ); break ; case Color.BLUE: console. log ( “Color is blue” ); break ; default : console. log ( “Unknown color” ); > |
Group situations that have similar logic together to cut down on repetition and enhance readability.
Example in C#:
switch (day) < case “Saturday” : case “Sunday” : Console .WriteLine( “It’s the weekend!” ); break ; default : Console .WriteLine( “It’s a weekday.” ); break ; > |
Each case block’s reasoning should be as straightforward as feasible. If more intricate processes are required, you might want to consider using a function. This keeps the switch statement concise and understandable.
Example in Python:
def handle_red (): print( “Handling red” ) def handle_green (): print( “Handling green” ) def handle_blue (): print( “Handling blue” ) color = ‘red’ if color == ‘red’ : handle_red() elif color == ‘green’ : handle_green() elif color == ‘blue’ : handle_blue() else : print( “Unknown color” ) |
Cases in programming languages such as C and JavaScript always fail unless a break statement is inserted.
If not handled properly, this could result in bugs. Break statements can be used to stop accidental fall-throughs.
Example in C:
switch (option) < case 1 : printf ( “Option 1 selected\n” ); break ; case 2 : printf ( “Option 2 selected\n” ); break ; case 3 : printf ( “Option 3 selected\n” ); break ; default : printf ( “Unknown option\n” ); > |
Switch expressions are a feature of some contemporary languages, such as Java and C#, and they can help write more expressive and succinct code.
Example in Java (Switch Expressions):
String result = switch (color) < case RED -> “Color is red” ; case GREEN -> “Color is green” ; case BLUE -> “Color is blue” ; default -> “Unknown color” ; >; System.out.println(result); |
Think about the performance consequences in various instances, particularly when there are a lot of cases.
While switch statements are optimized by some languages, binary search trees or hash maps may be a better option if speed is a top priority.
const actions = < red: () => console .log( “Color is red” ), green: () => console .log( “Color is green” ), blue: () => console .log( “Color is blue” ), >; let color = ‘red’ ; (actions[color] || (() => console .log( “Unknown color” )))(); |
Particularly at test benches where they are used to generate stimulus and verify expected outcomes, case statements are essential to verification.
They support the arrangement of test cases and the management of various scenarios that come up during testing.
To provide various stimulus patterns for the device under test (DUT), case statements can be employed. You can apply a variety of inputs to the DUT by alternating between scenarios, guaranteeing thorough testing.
Example in SystemVerilog:
module stimulus_generator( input logic clk, output logic [ 1 : 0 ] stimulus); always_ff @( posedge clk) begin case ( $random % 4 ) 2’b00 : stimulus = 2’b00 ; 2’b01 : stimulus = 2’b01 ; 2’b10 : stimulus = 2’b10 ; 2’b11 : stimulus = 2’b11 ; default : stimulus = 2’b00 ; endcase end endmodule |
To determine whether the DUT is operating correctly, case statements can also be used to compare the output of the DUT to expected values and assert conditions.
Example in SystemVerilog:
module checker ( input logic [ 1 : 0 ] expected, input logic [ 1 : 0 ] actual); always_comb begin case (expected) 2’b00 : assert (actual == 2’b00 ) else $error ( “Test failed for case 00” ); 2’b01 : assert (actual == 2’b01 ) else $error ( “Test failed for case 01” ); 2’b10 : assert (actual == 2’b10 ) else $error ( “Test failed for case 10” ); 2’b11 : assert (actual == 2’b11 ) else $error ( “Test failed for case 11” ); default : $error ( “Unexpected case” ); endcase end endmodule |
In order to evaluate different situations and edge cases, randomization is a powerful tool in verification. Randomizing circumstances and inputs allow you to find possible problems that deterministic testing could miss.
To completely test the DUT’s response to a variety of inputs, randomized case statements can be used to generate a variety of unpredictable input patterns.
Example in SystemVerilog:
module random_stimulus( input logic clk, output logic [ 1 : 0 ] stimulus); logic [ 1 : 0 ] rand_val; always_ff @( posedge clk) begin rand_val = $urandom_range( 0 , 3 ); case (rand_val) 2’b00 : stimulus = 2’b00 ; 2’b01 : stimulus = 2’b01 ; 2’b10 : stimulus = 2’b10 ; 2’b11 : stimulus = 2’b11 ; default : stimulus = 2’b00 ; endcase end endmodule |
Applying randomization to various test scenarios can guarantee the DUT’s resilience in a range of circumstances. This aids in verifying the DUT’s functionality over an extensive range of possible use cases.
Example in SystemVerilog:
module random_testbench; logic clk; logic [ 1 : 0 ] stimulus; logic [ 1 : 0 ] expected_output; logic [ 1 : 0 ] actual_output; random_stimulus stim_gen ( .clk (clk), .stimulus (stimulus)); checker chk ( .expected (expected_output), .actual (actual_output)); initial begin clk = 0 ; forever # 5 clk = ~clk; end initial begin // Test for a predefined duration # 1000 $finish ; end always_ff @( posedge clk) begin // Assuming DUT is a simple combinational logic for this example case (stimulus) 2’b00 : expected_output = 2’b00 ; 2’b01 : expected_output = 2’b01 ; 2’b10 : expected_output = 2’b10 ; 2’b11 : expected_output = 2’b11 ; default : expected_output = 2’b00 ; endcase // Simulate DUT output actual_output = stimulus; // This line should be replaced with actual DUT call end endmodule |
When an exception is raised by a statement that comes after a WHEN or ELSE clause and the stored procedure has a handler to deal with the exception condition, it behaves exactly like an exception that happens inside an IF or WHILE statement.
Control shifts to the statement that comes after END CASE once the condition handler action has successfully finished if the value expression or conditional expression of a CASE statement raises an exception and the stored procedure has a CONTINUE handler to handle the exception condition.
Example: Simple CASE
The following stored procedure includes a simple CASE statement.
CREATE PROCEDURE spSample( IN pANo INTEGER , IN pName CHARACTER ( 30 ), OUT pStatus CHARACTER ( 50 )) BEGIN DECLARE vNoOfAccts INTEGER DEFAULT 0 ; SELECT COUNT (*) INTO vNoOfAccts FROM Accounts; CASE vNoOfAccts WHEN 0 THEN INSERT INTO Accounts (pANo, pName); WHEN 1 THEN UPDATE Accounts SET aName = pName WHERE aNo = pANo; ELSE SET pStatus = ‘Total ‘ || vNoOfAccts || ‘customer accounts’ ; END CASE ; END ; |
Implementing a State Machine for a Traffic Light Controller
The traditional illustration of a finite state machine (FSM) is a traffic light controller. It cycles between the states of Green, Yellow, and Red while controlling the lights at an intersection.
Design Requirements:
Example in SystemVerilog:
module traffic_light_controller( input logic clk, reset, output logic [ 1 : 0 ] light); typedef enum logic [ 1 : 0 ] < GREEN = 2’b00 , YELLOW = 2’b01 , RED = 2’b10 > state_t; state_t current_state, next_state; always_ff @( posedge clk or posedge reset) begin if (reset) current_state else current_state end always_comb begin case (current_state) GREEN: next_state = YELLOW; YELLOW: next_state = RED; RED: next_state = GREEN; default : next_state = RED; endcase end always_comb begin case (current_state) GREEN: light = 2’b00 ; // Green light YELLOW: light = 2’b01 ; // Yellow light RED: light = 2’b10 ; // Red light default : light = 2’b10 ; // Default to Red light endcase end endmodule |
Using Case Statements in a Testbench to Verify the Traffic Light Controller
Through the generation of a clock and reset signal, as well as by comparing the light output to the anticipated sequence of states, the testbench will validate the traffic light controller.
Example in SystemVerilog:
module traffic_light_tb; logic clk, reset; logic [ 1 : 0 ] light; traffic_light_controller tlc ( .clk (clk), .reset (reset), .light (light)); // Clock generation initial begin clk = 0 ; forever # 5 clk = ~clk; end // Test sequence initial begin // Initialize signals reset = 1 ; # 10 ; reset = 0 ; // Check initial state check_state( 2’b10 ); // Expect Red // Wait and check the transitions repeat ( 3 ) begin wait_for_clock_cycles( 1 ); check_state( 2’b00 ); // Expect Green wait_for_clock_cycles( 1 ); check_state( 2’b01 ); // Expect Yellow wait_for_clock_cycles( 1 ); check_state( 2’b10 ); // Expect Red end $finish ; end // Helper task to check the state task check_state( input logic [ 1 : 0 ] expected_light); if (light !== expected_light) begin $error ( “State mismatch: expected %b, got %b” , expected_light, light); end else begin $display ( “State match: %b” , light); end endtask // Helper task to wait for a number of clock cycles task wait_for_clock_cycles( input int num_cycles); repeat (num_cycles) @( posedge clk); endtask endmodule |
Design Example: Traffic Light Controller
Verification Example: Testbench for Traffic Light Controller
SystemVerilog case statements are essential tools for digital design and verification because they offer an organized and effective method for managing several situations.
SystemVerilog improves the readability and performance of activities related to hardware description and verification by combining elements from classic HDLs like Verilog and VHDL with characteristics from high-level programming languages.
The significance of SystemVerilog in contemporary electronic design automation (EDA) is shown in this evolution.
Designers can apply precise and flexible logic by knowing and using the various case statements (case, casez, and casex).
Code maintainability and error prevention are enhanced when best practices are followed, such as grouping related cases, avoiding fall-throughs, and using enums for readability.
To ensure robust hardware functionality and to facilitate structured stimulus creation and output verification, case statements are also crucial to the verification process.
The traffic light controller example demonstrates how case statements may be used practically to create finite state machines, which is a key component of digital design.
Through the use of these ideas, designers can produce digital systems that are more dependable, scalable, and energy-efficient while also satisfying the demanding specifications of contemporary electronics.
What are the different types of case statements in SystemVerilog?
There are three forms of the case statement in total: case, casex, and casez. Take note of these variations. case: takes x and z at face value (as demonstrated in the example above). The default statement will be executed in the event that a precise match cannot be located.
What is the difference between case casex and casez in SystemVerilog?
Bit-wise comparisons between the selected case expression and individual case item statements are performed by the case, casex, and casez functions. Instead of utilizing equality == for comparisons, the identity operator === is used. Casez only ignores bit positions with a Z; casex ignores any bit position containing an X or Z.
Why do we use case statements in Verilog?
To allocate the appropriate input to the output that supports the value of sel, a case statement is utilized. As a 2-bit signal, sel can have twenty 2-bit combinations, ranging from zero to three. If sel is 3, the default statement assists in setting line output to zero.
Can you use strings in case statements?
String matching is not supported natively by SystemVerilog case statements. Instead, make use of encoded values or enumerations.
How does synthesis handle case statements?
Case statements are transformed into multiplexers or combinational logic using synthesis tools, which guarantees effective hardware implementation.
What are the limitations of case statements?
Match mechanisms place restrictions on case statements, which can grow complex if improperly handled. Additionally, they must handle don’t-care situations with caution.
How to debug case statements effectively?
To verify the behavior of case statements and identify mistakes early on, use simulation tools, assertions, and default cases.
Are there performance differences between case and if-else statements?
Although there aren’t many performance differences, case statements are usually favored in hardware descriptions since they’re easier to comprehend and maintain.
What is the advantage of a case statement?
The main advantages are as follows: Readability and Sustainability: The CASE statement improves readability by establishing a clear, orderly framework. It greatly simplifies difficult conditional processes, resulting in much more comprehensible and maintainable code.