thomas-kilmann conflict mode instrument

Being able to reconcile differences and to handle conflict constructively is a key determinant of organizational performance.

The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument (TKI ® ) is the leading measure of conflict-handling modes. The assessment is known for demonstrating how each conflict mode can be useful for dealing with conflict in certain situations, which allows people to appreciate the value and strength of their own conflict styles and learn the value of others.

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why do so many organizations use the tki instrument?

Is easy to complete, the short 30 item questionnaire takes only a few minutes and can be administered online before your workshop or in paper booklet onsite
Delivers a pragmatic, situational approach to conflict resolution, change management, leadership development, communication, employee retention, and more
Enables your organization to open productive dialogue about conflict
Can be used as a stand-alone tool by individuals, in a group learning process, as part of a structured training program workshop
Has an available Facilitator’s Guide that will ensure your workshop is a success with three different workshop formats including: group activities, presentation ideas PowerPoint slides.

The conflict-handling modes assessed by the tki tool

The Thomas-Kilmann describes five different conflict modes and places them on two dimensions:

the five modes:


The TKI addresses workplace conflict swiftly and productively


The Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument is widely used for helping both new and established teams at all organizational levels – from front line staff to senior management teams. It is also used across a wide variety of private and public sector organizations.

Using the TKI® assessment with new teams helps members get acquainted with each other’s conflict styles, identify potential challenges, and set goals for how they should handle conflict as a group.

With established teams, the Thomas-Kilmann helps team members make sense of the different conflict behaviors that have been occurring within the team, identify the team’s challenges in managing conflict, and find constructive ways to handle those challenges.