Log into your agency’s payroll portal at https://www.commuterbenefitsnyc.com/signup.aspx. If your deduction was suspended, you can change the resumption date to have the payroll deduction resume earlier than originally scheduled. If your deduction was cancelled, you will need to re-enroll in the Park-n-Ride plan to start the payroll deduction. Because of payroll timeframes, your deductions may not occur for up to two payroll periods.
Follow the steps below to resume your parking order:
After you enroll in the Park-n-Ride Plan, your elected deduction amount will be taken from your wages every pay day. Your deductions will be credited to your parking account at Edenred, the City's Transit Benefit provider. You select your Park-n-Ride payment option on the Edenred website. The deadline for making your choice each month is the 10th of the month. For example, for February you make your Park-n-Ride choice by January 10th. You can sign up for recurring monthly payments to your parking provider by selecting the frequency of "Every Month" and you will get the same order every month until you change or cancel it.
Yes, there is a $2.05 non-refundable monthly administrative fee for account maintenance and transaction costs. It will be deducted from your post-tax pay each month when there are any financial activities on your parking account.
Your taxable wages in Box 1, Social Security and Medicare wages in Boxes 3 and 5, and state and local wages in Boxes 16 and 18 will be reduced by the value of the pre-tax transportation deductions from your pay. The amount will be labeled "IRC132" in box 14. Your wages will not be adjusted by the value of administrative fee deductions.
Parking expenses at or near a public transportation stop or station that you use to commute to work. You must be enrolled in one of the other Commuter Benefit Program plans in order to participate in the Park-n-Ride option. You may fund your parking account with pre-tax dollars up to $315 per month. Pre-tax and post-tax deductions for the Park-n-Ride plan are kept in a separate account for you at Edenred and cannot be comingled with your transportation account.
Parking expenses that are not directly related to your commute to work on public transportation are not eligible. This includes parking at or near your home or work location and any personal parking expenses that are unrelated to work. Only work-related parking is eligible for the special tax treatment of this program.
There are three payment options available. Your preferred option depends on the parking provider at your public transportation stop or station. See each option details:
The Commuter Card is a stored value card that works like a credit card at parking providers who accept credit cards. This is the same Commuter Card that you will use for your transportation expenses. Your parking and transportation accounts are funded separately and each allows the $315 pre-tax as well as post-tax deductions.
Three business days after you enroll in the Park-n-Ride plan, go to the Edenred website or call Edenred Customer Service at 833-584-8109 Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm, to select your Park-n-Ride payment option and place your parking order.
You can select one of three Park-n-Ride payment options:
Use the following options to access your parking account balance with Edenred:
For additional information visit Edenred website or call Edenred Customer Service at 833-584-8109 Monday to Friday, 8am-8pm.