Online application of ISBN for publications

ISBN or International Standard Book Number is an unique identifier number. It is displayed in barcode format on publications ex. books on their back jacket (lower right). An ISBN is a product that is used by publishers, booksellers and libraries for ordering, listing and stock control purposes. It enables them to identify a particular publisher and allows the publisher to identify a specific edition of a specific title in a specific format within their output.

ISBN is in the form of 13 digits, consisting of 5 elements separated by spaces and hyphens ex. ISBN No. 978-81-8038-835-4 indicates following information:

What ISBN does not indicate

What ISBN indicates

Benefits of ISBN

Scope and Assignment of ISBN

ISBNs are assigned to Publishers in the country where the Publisher's main office is based /publishing activity takes place. This is irrespective of the language of the publication or the intended market for the book. Any Publisher who is publishing a qualifying product for general sale or distribution to the market, any author whose name is indicated on the cover page of book along with title, Institutions against the Seminars and Conferences on a specified title.

ISBN is allotted by International ISBN Agency based in UK. In India, ISBN is allotted through the National ISBN Agency. Raja Ram Mohan Roy National Agency for ISBN is responsible for ISBN registration in the country and is affiliated to UK based International Agency. It is under the Ministry of Education, Deptt. of Higher Education, Book Promotion and Copyright Division.

ISBN is assigned for the following products:

Products which do not qualify for ISBN

ISBNs are available in blocks for publishers and the smallest block is of 10 numbers. For an author, a single ISBN number is allotted against a single title. An ISBN is assigned to each edition and variation (except reprintings) of a book. For example, an e-book, a paperback and a hardcover edition of the same book would each have a different ISBN. Applicant(author) can apply for more than one variation in the same application. The ISBN no to be allotted is the prerogative of the Raja Rammohun National Agency, which takes in account the publishing activity already done and proposed to be done in the future by the applicant.

Process for registration and allotment of ISBN

The authors, publishers and educational institutions are to send filled in relevant forms with the required documents and the ISBN numbers are allotted free of cost. Over a period of time with the growth of the publishing industry and awareness about ISBN, the request for ISBN has increased exponentially. Efforts have been made from time to time to streamline the operations of the agency which caters to the requirement of the applicants of the entire country. The online ISBN portal has hence been designed to further streamline the process. All the offline ISBN Application received beyond 30th April 2016 will not be processed.

From 09.07.2020 onwards, the registration for seeking ISBN is being done through a new portal only. Accordingly, the applicants of the old portal have to switch over to the new version of the ISBN portal after utilizing all their previously allotted ISBNs on the old version of the portal. So, the registrants would not be able to do any activity on their previous ISBN account apart from adding metadata for the remaining ISBNs and to view their ISBN allotment history after 31.07.2020.

The standard service time to get a ISBN is at least a month.

Salient features of the ISBN online portal

Benefits of ISBN Online portal

Process for Online application for ISBN

For complete step by step process, click here

For any query, users may write to

For General Query
Tel: +91-11-2334 1739
E-mail: isbn-mhrd[at]gov[dot]in
(Monday to Friday-9:00 am to 5:30 pm)

For Technical Query
Tel: +91-79-2326 8229
Tel: +91-79-2326 8284
E-mail: isbnhelp[at]inflibnet[dot]ac[dot]in
(Monday to Friday-9:30 am to 6:00 pm)

Source : ISBN portal

Last Modified : 5/31/2023