(1) Subject to the other provisions of this rule, all relevant evidence is admissible which, in the opinion of the presiding officer, is the best evidence most reasonably obtainable, having due regard to its necessity, competence, availability, and trustworthiness.

(2) In passing upon the admissibility of evidence the presiding officer shall give consideration to, but shall not be bound by, the New Mexico rules of evidence which govern proceedings in the courts of this state. The presiding officer shall also give consideration to the legal requirement that any final decision on the merits be supported by competent evidence.

(3) Unless otherwise directed by the commission or the presiding officer, documents that require sworn verification by notarization under commission rules may be supported by unsworn affirmation in compliance with rule of civil procedure 1-011(B) NMRA.

B. Testimony under oath: All testimony to be considered by the commission or presiding officer in formal public hearings except matters officially noticed or entered by stipulation shall be made under oath.

C. Stipulation as to facts:

(1) The parties and staff in any proceeding before the commission or presiding officer may, by stipulation in writing filed or entered in the record, agree upon the facts or any portion thereof involved in the controversy, which stipulation shall be binding upon the parties and staff entering into the stipulation and may be regarded and used by the commission or presiding officer as evidence at the public hearing. It is desirable that the facts be thus agreed upon wherever practical. The commission or presiding officer may, however, require proof or evidence of the facts stipulated to, notwithstanding the stipulation of the parties and staff.

(2) In the event the parties and staff stipulate to certain facts as part of a proposed settlement of the case, and the settlement is rejected, the stipulations of fact entered for purposes of the settlement will not be binding upon the parties or used as evidence in any subsequent public hearing on the merits unless all signatories thereto agree to refile the stipulations of fact.

D. Administrative notice:

(1) The commission or presiding officer may take administrative notice of the following matters if otherwise admissible under Subsection A of NMAC:

(a) rules, regulations, administrative rulings, published reports, licenses, and orders of the commission and other governmental agencies;

(b) contents of certificates, permits, and licenses issued by the commission;

(c) tariffs, classifications, schedules, and periodic reports regularly established by or filed as required or authorized by law or order of the commission;

(d) decisions, records, and transcripts in other commission proceedings; (e) state and federal statutes; (f) decisions of state and federal courts; (g) generally recognized technical and scientific facts; and (h) matters of which the courts of this state may take judicial notice.

(2) In addition the commission or presiding officer may take administrative notice of the results of their own inspection of any physical location or condition involved in the proceeding, and may take administrative notice on the record of the results of the commission's previous experience in similar situations and general information concerning a subject within the commission's expert knowledge.

(3) Parties and staff requesting that administrative notice be taken of documents or portions of documents or of the contents thereof must submit those documents or portions of documents to the commission or presiding officer in the form of exhibits except as may otherwise be provided in this rule.

(4) The commission or presiding officer may take administrative notice whether requested or not subject to appropriate objection under Subsection L of NMAC. If staff or a party requests that administrative notice be taken, the commission or presiding officer must be provided the necessary information.

(5) Matters noticed are admitted into evidence to the same extent as other relevant evidence.

E. Resolutions: Resolutions, properly authenticated, of the governing bodies of cities, towns, counties and other municipal corporations, and of chambers of commerce, commercial or mercantile boards of trade, agricultural or manufacturing societies, and other civic organizations will be received in evidence if relevant. Such resolution shall be received subject to rebuttal by adversely affected staff or parties as to the authenticity of the resolution. Recitals of fact contained in resolutions shall not be deemed proof of those facts.

F. Official records: An official rule, report, order, record, or other document prepared and issued by any governmental authority may be introduced into evidence. In cases where such official records, otherwise admissible, are contained in official publications or publications by nationally recognized reporting services and are in general circulation and readily accessible to all parties and staff, they may be introduced by reference unless the presiding officer directs otherwise, provided that proper and definite reference to the record in question is made by the party or staff offering the same.

G. Commission files: Papers and documents on file relevant to the proceeding may be introduced into evidence by reference to number or date or by any other method of identification satisfactory to the presiding officer unless the presiding officer directs that the paper or document or a summary thereof be presented for the record in the form of an exhibit. If only a portion of any such paper or document is offered in evidence, the part so offered shall be presented for the record in the form of an exhibit.

H. Records in other proceedings: In case any portion of the record in any other proceeding before the commission or presiding officer is admissible for any purpose and is offered in evidence, a true copy of such portion may be presented for the record in the form of an exhibit.

I. Prepared testimony:

(1) Prepared written testimony shall be received in evidence as exhibits with the same force and effect as though it were stated orally by the witness. All witnesses must be present at the public hearing and shall adopt, under oath, their prepared written testimony, subject to cross-examination and motions to strike unless the witness's presence at public hearing is waived by the commissioner or presiding officer upon notice to and without objection from staff and the parties.

(2) Unless the commission or presiding officer directs otherwise, testimony in written form shall be prepared in accordance with the following guidelines:

(a) the cover page shall contain the case caption and number and the name of the witness; (b) all pages are to be typed or machine printed and double-spaced; (c) the top, bottom, and left-hand margins shall be at least one and one-half inches;

(d) the name of the witness and the case number, if then known, shall be typed at the top center of each page two inches from the edge;

(e) the page number for each page shall be typed at the bottom center one inch from the edge;

(f) a square of approximately one and one-half inches in the upper right-hand corner of each page shall be left clear for commission use;

(g) testimony shall contain line numbers on the left-hand side of the page; and (h) testimony shall be filed in question and answer format and be supported by affidavit.

(3) Unless the commission or presiding officer directs otherwise no documents other than pre-filed testimony shall be admitted into evidence on direct examination of a witness.

J. Exhibits: (1) Use of data in exhibits:

(a) When supporting exhibits consist of tables of data or graphs, all formulae, equations, or other methodology used to derive the data shall be included as part of the supporting exhibit.

(b) If data used in supporting exhibits are derived from or supported by complex computerized analyses, working copies of the computer models may be included on a diskette compatible with the commission's current computer capabilities, in lieu of printed material.

(2) Size of exhibits: Except by special permission of the presiding officer, no specially prepared exhibits offered as evidence shall be of greater size, when folded, than eight and one-half (8-1/2) inches by eleven (11) inches.

(3) Marking of exhibits: All exhibits shall be marked numerically in the order of introduction by the moving party or staff. To the extent practicable all exhibits, including those to be introduced on cross-examination, shall be marked before the start of public hearings on the day the witness will be examined thereon.

(4) Designation of part of document as evidence:

(a) When relevant and material matter offered in evidence by any party or staff is embraced in a book, paper, or document containing other matter not material or relevant, the party or staff offering the same must plainly designate the matter so offered.

(b) If other matter is in such volume as would unnecessarily encumber the record, such book, paper, or document will not be received in evidence but may be marked for identification, and, if properly authenticated, the relevant or material matter may be read into the record, or, if the presiding officer so directs, a true copy of such matter in proper form shall be received as an exhibit and like copies delivered by the party or staff offering the same to all other parties and staff appearing at the public hearing.

(c) All parties and staff shall be afforded an opportunity to examine the book, paper, or documents and to offer in evidence in like manner other portions thereof if found to be material and relevant.

(5) Abstracts of documents: When documents are numerous and it is desired to offer in evidence more than a limited number of such documents as typical of the others, an abstract shall be prepared and offered as an exhibit giving other parties to and staff in the proceeding reasonable opportunity to examine the abstract and the documents.

(6) Summaries of documents: Where a document being offered into evidence is voluminous, the presiding officer may direct that a summary be prepared and offered as an exhibit giving other parties to and staff in the proceeding reasonable opportunity to examine the summary and the document. The presiding officer may require that the summary be offered as an exhibit in addition to the summarized document or in lieu thereof.

(7) Copies of exhibits:

(a) When exhibits not attached to pleadings as required by this rule are offered in evidence, the original shall be furnished to the reporter.

(b) The party or staff offering exhibits shall also furnish a copy to each commissioner or hearing examiner sitting, advisory staff if in attendance, each party, and the staff unless such copies have previously been furnished or the presiding officer directs otherwise.

(c) The proponent shall, to the extent practicable, furnish the required copies to the reporter, the commissioners or hearing examiner, advisory staff, parties, and staff before the start of the public hearings on the day said proponent intends to offer the exhibits into evidence.

K. Additional evidence: At any stage of the proceeding the commission or presiding officer may require the production of further evidence upon any issue. Such evidence may, at the discretion of the commission or presiding officer, be in writing or presented orally. All parties and the staff will be given an opportunity to reply to such evidence submitted and cross-examine the witness under oath.

L. Objections:

(1) Any evidence offered in whatever form shall be subject to appropriate and timely objection. When objection is made to the admissibility of evidence, such evidence may be received subject to later ruling by the commission or presiding officer.

(2) The commission or presiding officer their discretion either with or without objection may exclude inadmissible, incompetent, cumulative, or irrelevant evidence or order the presentation of such evidence discontinued.

(3) Parties or staff objecting to the introduction of evidence shall briefly state the grounds of objection at the time such evidence is offered.

(4) The evidence to be admitted at public hearing shall be material and relevant to the issue. Formal exceptions to rulings are not necessary and need not be taken.

M. Offers of proof: An offer of proof for the record may be made and shall consist of a statement of the substance of the evidence to which objection has been sustained. The commission or presiding officer may require offers of proof to be submitted in writing in question and answer form.

N. Rebuttal evidence:

(1) Rebuttal evidence is evidence which tends to explain, counteract, repel, or disprove evidence submitted by another party or by staff. Evidence which is merely cumulative or could have been more properly offered in the case in chief is not proper rebuttal evidence.

(2) Staff or a party wishing to offer rebuttal testimony shall at the close of their opponent's direct case move the commission or presiding officer to allow introduction of rebuttal testimony. The movant shall indicate the nature of the evidence sought to be adduced and demonstrate why it is proper rebuttal testimony.

(3) The commission or presiding officer may permit or require rebuttal evidence to be submitted in prepared form in accordance with this rule prior to its introduction.


N.M. Code R. § NMAC - Rp, 17 NMAC 1.2.37, 9-1-08, Amended by New Mexico Register, Volume XXXII, Issue 07, April 6, 2021 , eff. 4/6/2021

State regulations are updated quarterly; we currently have two versions available. Below is a comparison between our most recent version and the prior quarterly release. More comparison features will be added as we have more versions to compare.