Let’s face it, most of us don’t need to know which verb tense is “future continuous perfect.” But we do need to use verbs correctly. Most children pick up verb tenses as they learn to speak, but there is some advantage to understanding and being able to name tenses, especially when it comes to irregular verbs or learning a new language. We’ve compiled a list of 30 great and easy activities to teach and practice verb tenses.
First, let’s review all 12 (yes 12!) English verb tenses.
Set up “verb tents” to learn about verb tense. This smart play on words turns playtime fun into a learning activity.
Knowing proper tenses makes the world a more colorful place! Kids add sentences for the past, present, and future tense of any verb they choose.
As you go from one place to another (out to recess, down the hall to lunch), have students pick different movements to complete. Use those in sentences for practice: “We are going to march. We are marching. We marched to the playground.”
In the classroom, have students choose cards with past, present, and future actions on them and act them out.
Talking about verb tense endings or helping verbs? A simple sticky note sort is an easy way to give students hands-on practice.