Employer Bag Searches

Employers commonly conduct bag searches in retail stores and other types of businesses where employees have access to products and supplies. The objective is to deter employee theft and to catch perpetrators engaged in stealing from the company. The legality of bag searches is a human resource consideration and varies by situation.


Employee theft is a major problem for many employers in the United States, accounting for the highest percentage of retail shrinkage, according to the United Kingdom's Centre for Retail Research. The organization's Global Retail Theft Barometer for 2011 says it even tops shoplifting. Nearly half of all product shrinkage stems from employee theft. Along with security cameras and other tools used to prevent shoplifting and theft, employers may institute bag checks when employee theft is a concern.

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Work Environment Concerns

Some organizations maintain perpetual bag search policies, such as in government or public buildings. In retail or commercial businesses, however, bag searches are used more often on an as-needed basis. Many managers prefer to create a trusting work environment as a proactive deterrent to theft. When you must resort to bag checks, it can lead to a culture where employees feel untrusted, harming morale. It also can create a greater separation between managers and employees.

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Reasonable Privacy

Employees have a reasonable right to privacy at work, notes the legal website Nolo. This means a business may face potential lawsuits or civil liberty complaints by conducting unnecessary or unreasonable bag searches. A policy of searching everyday without legitimate reason could lead to trouble. Typically, retail businesses institute bag searches when shrinkage has escalated to dangerous levels, such as 4 percent to 7 percent or higher, depending on the industry and value of the products. It might be construed as reasonable to check bags until losses diminish.

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Written Policies

Employers often can better protect themselves against legal claims from employees with formal written policies. An employer that holds high-priced items on hand may draft a policy of perpetual bag checks based on the notion that the loss of a single item would be a major financial hit. Spelling out the policy and process and communicating it at the time of offering employment provides some risk insulation. Nolo explains that employees have less room to claim an expected right to privacy if they were clearly told up front that wouldn't be the case. Other companies might opt for a policy that bag searches may be instituted if deemed necessary by the manager.
