Nimbleschedule how to delete approved time off request
Canceling an Employee's Time Off Request
As an administrator, you can cancel any time off request made by an employee in a security group to which you have access. Any request can be canceled that has not already been canceled or denied.
To cancel an employee request from the Manager Home page:
- Click the Home tab.
- Under the Home tab, click the Time Off Requests link. This opens the Employee Time Off Requests page, which displays the request number, request status, requester name, total hours requested off, start date of the requested time off, request description, and review by date (if specified by the requester) for each of your employees' time off requests. By default, this list is filtered to initially display only requests that are pending review and were created during the current calendar year.
- To filter the list to view other requests, click the button in the Status field and select the appropriate status. The possible request statuses by which the list can be filtered are:
- Pending Review — The request has been submitted but has not yet been reviewed.
- Pending Requester Acceptance — The request has been partially approved. The requester has been notified that he or she must either accept the partially approved request or cancel the request.
- Approved — The request has been fully approved and the requested non-worked time has been applied to the requester's schedule.
- Accepted — The request has been partially approved and subsequently accepted by the requester. The approved time off has been applied to the requester's schedule.
- Denied — The request has been denied by the reviewer. Requests with this status cannot be canceled.
- Canceled — The request has already been canceled by you, by another supervisor or administrator, by the requester, or by ezLaborManager.
Tip: If you know the request number of the request you want to cancel, you can quickly find the request by entering the number in the Find Request Number field and clicking the Find button.
Note: If the request had already been approved and scheduled, the non-worked schedules corresponding to the request will be deleted and the employee's original schedules will be restored. A cancellation notification will be sent to the requester's and the designated reviewer's Inboxes.