Liquor licence application fees


These fees are due when you submit your application. They are not refundable regardless of the outcome of your application.

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Application fees are set out in the Liquor Control Reform Regulations 2023 . This includes, applications for a new liquor licence or BYO permit and applications to vary, transfer or relocate an existing liquor licence or BYO permit.

The Regulations set out a fee model that uses risk of alcohol-related harm to determine the cost of liquor licensing applications. The risk of harm is informed by the licensee’s operating hours, venue capacity, compliance history, floor space where packaged liquor is sold, and the activities that are authorised under a licence.

This means larger venues that operate late at night which present higher risks to the community will have higher application fees compared to smaller venues with lower risk profiles.

This risk-based model aims to help reduce the administrative costs for small businesses while also ensuring a fair reflection of the increased processing effort for applications with a higher risk profile.

A table outlining current application fee amounts is available:

Liquor licence application fees PDF 91.67 KB

You are required to the application fee when you submit your application. They are not refundable regardless of the outcome of your application.

Please lodge your application at least eight weeks in advance. The time taken to process an application will vary depending on a range of factors including the complexity of the application and any objections which may be raised.